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                  Henry Ford Health – Michigan State University Health Sciences, Department of Psychiatry
                                                                                Gui lab@HFH-MSU 


                                                                           Hongsheng Gui, PhD/MS

                                                                                        EST. 2021

My lab is to apply statistical genetics and integrative omics methods to identify genes and pathways associated with psychiatric diseases; then to translate these findings for better clinical utility by stratifying and predicting risk of mental health conditions (particularly suicide).

“If genetics is limited to geneticists, we have failed; if genetics is taken up by many others, we have succeeded”, --Leslie G. Biesecker 2019 ASHG.

“Vanishing boundaries in psychiatry”, the trajectory from basic research to clinical application of findings, --Jordan Smoller 2022 WCPG.

“An Overview of Bias and Fairness in Algorithmic Models”, the necessity of evaluating trade-offs in considering race use in clinical prediction, --David Kent 2024 HCSRN.

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